Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > My mouse will not chew on his chews!

My mouse will not chew on his chews!

21 15:10:31

I don't know why, but my mouse will not chew on his chews! He has two wooden blocks that i got from the pet store for mice. He just ignores them. The only time he even touches them is when he moves them out of the way. He doesn't chew on anything else. Could somebody tell me why he won't chew on anything?

Dear Sydney,

My mice never chew on those little colored blocks either. A lot of what is sold at pet stores is meant for the consumer to think looks cool, not because it is actually interesting or good for the pet.

There is a type of dog chew bone which is hard but edible. I believe nylabone makes one. I gave that to my mice and they loved it. They have chewed on various things that I put in the cage. I don't worry about it. They do what they want to do.

Let your mouse do what he wants to do, and don't worry about it!

Squeaks n giggles,
