Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Biting/Chewing/Escaping!


21 15:19:03

QUESTION: I found my mouse in my house abandoned when he was only four or five days old (we determined based on when his eyes opened) and now he's happy and healthy at 5 months.  He and I spend a lot of time together.  He's with me all the time when I'm home.


1) He bites me! He's drawn blood a couple times and he bites sparatically. He'll bite me when I pick him up or when he's already with me. Then he'll be fine with me again.

2) He's chews on my fingernails.  He's pretty much obsessed with chewing my fingernails which is devastating because he rips layers off if I don't realize soon enough.

3) He's an escape artist!! I have a plastic cage for him and he's always finding new ways to get out of his cage. He's adept at chewing hard plastic and for his recent endeavor I but metal ductape over quarters over the hole he chewed through the top. It's effectively stopped him for now but I know he'll find a new way out soon enough...
I also give him PLENTY of things to chew on so I know it's not just for the chewing.

If you have any suggestions for my mouse's problem I would so greatly appreciate it! Thanks!

ANSWER: Dear Autumn,

Are you sure he wants to be a pet? If you say he's fine with you, that is he likes to be held, it's OK. But if he desperately wants to escape and bites and doesn't like being held, I would recommend letting him go where he can be happy in the wild.

If you keep him, the best thing to try is getting him a really big wire cage. He can't chew through the bars and as long as they are only a centimeter apart-- that's 3/8 inch-- he can't get out. Many cages are meant for hamsters or even pet store mice, and little wild mice can get right through the bars. 1/2" apart is too far! I had a mouse who needed a lot of space, and she spent all her time trying to get out of her cage. I finally got her a multi-bird cage which someone had converted into a 4-story mouse cage. The bars were 3/8" and it was huge. I filled it with toys and the 5 mice had 6 wheels. She was finally happy! (btw I know the 1/2" won't deter a wild mouse because that's how one of my virgin girls suddenly produced a litter of half-wild babies one day). You can use plastic ties to attach wire trays to make floors for the mouse. He will also enjoy climbing the walls.

As for the biting.. that's a real problem (your hands are clean. right? No food?). The fingernail chewing can sometimes be affectionate; he is grooming you. I've also heard it suggested that they like calcium. You're probably not going to cure him of that. The biting when you pick him up may be because he doesn't want you in his territory, or because he is scared. Mice are programmed to be afraid of anything that comes at them from above-- like a hawk or owl, or your hand reaching into a tank. This is another advantage of the wire cage with a side door. In either case, try using gloves as you pick him up. Biting while you actually hold him is worse. There is one thing you can try before having to resign yourself to wearing gloves all the time. When he bites, tap him very lightly but quickly on the top of his nose. This is not supposed to hurt him, but to insult him.  I have had a lot of success with this with nippers. Maybe it will help.

please keep me informed of what you try and what works or doesn't. That way I can learn from your experience to help the next person. As they say, pass it on!

Much luck!

squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is not really a question but a clarity. When he escapes from his cage, he doesn't run away. He comes and finds me. The other night I woke up with him in my loft!

I don't really mind the biting enough to wear gloves. It's usually just nipping and doesn't hurt at all, it is just startling. And he likes being held. Usually he runs up to me when I put my hand in the cage and crawls right in it, but other times he bites me.

Like I said before, it's sparatic. He'll be on my shoulderm or in my lap, grooming or something or I'll be petting him and he'll be enjoying it and then he'll randomly squeek and bite me.

I've tried the tapping on the nose but he just ignores it. And a lot of the time the "biting" is actually chewing on my fingers. So I'll try to tap him, he'll dodge it and go right back to it...

I'm hoping that clarifies my predicament.

Hi Autumn,

Well, what a sweet boy! Still there are dangers to being out of the cage. I do recommend a bigger cage.

Nibbling is affectionate. Slight nipping can be too. I just don't like the fact that he breaks the skin.  There is one other thing to try. I have a hard time with this myself:  With rats, when they nip too hard, you are supposed to squeak loudly and pull away. That's right, squeak. Now, I can't figure out how to squeak! Maybe you will have better luck than I.

Of course the last issue is whether or not he might have a physical pain, since he squeaks himself (is it the only time he squeaks?). It's a good idea to do a full hands-on body palpation. Feel him all over, including gently pressing his soft body. If he squeaks there may be something wrong. If so, you should take him to a vet. Call around to find someone who actually has experience with mice.

Best of luck (and thanks for writing back)

squeaks n giggles,
