Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Very sick mouse cant go to vet.

Very sick mouse cant go to vet.

21 15:17:23

QUESTION: I got a new mouse 2 weeks ago, and on the evening of July 4th, i have noticed it started bleeding out of its anus. It stopped  two days later but it is now refusing to eat or drink and it just sits in the corner of the cage. Do you know what is going on and can it be fixed?

ANSWER: Dear Katherine,

Your mouse is very, very sick. It's not something I can diagnose or give a remedy for. If it doesn't go to the vet it will probably die soon. I hope you can get it to a vet right away.

Call around to find a vet experienced in "pocket pets" or "exotics." If you find more than one, ask how many mice they have treated in the last month.

Best of luck.


Natasha<:3  )--~

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Natasha, but my father thinks that there is no point for taking it to the hospital, and doesn't wanna pay in these times. All i can do is make it comfortable until it goes. Thanks so much.

Hi Katherine,

I understand. Mice are often a low-budget pet. Keep the mouse warm, using a heating pad on low under half of the cage (it must be able to get away from the heat). If it likes to be handled, hold it quietly in your hand, with some kisses, as you read, chat, or watch TV.  Give it soy yogurt to eat. Keep its area quiet and stress-free. Make sure there is no draft.

I'm sorry about this tragedy. You should tell the pet store that they sold you a sick mouse, so they know (some places care) that their stock is unhealthy. They can relay that to the breeder, who might be more careful. Also the pet store should give you a replacement mouse.

Best of luck to the little sick mousie.


<:3  )--~