Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > baby mice just born

baby mice just born

21 15:31:34

Hi there,
I have a female mouse that has just had babies we can't see them very well because of the bedding around her nest therefore we don't know if she is eating them.
We do not want to touch the nest or babies because she  may eat them.
Although we want to see how many there are and want they look like how do we do this?
We definetley know there is some because we can see them a tiny bit and hear them squeaking.
We feel slack because we don't know if the mother mouse is eating them if she is should we romove them??
Thanks Alexandra.

Dear Alexandra,

It is pretty rare for a mouse to eat her babies if she has not been scared or disturbed.  If you have no specific reason to think this mouse eats her babies, don't worry about it. Anything you do right now to disturb her could upset her, especially if she is a first time mom.  You can pick up the mom briefly tomorrow when she comes out of the nest but I don't recommend holding the babies before they are 7 days old. If you do, use a spoon.

Best of luck and have fun with the babies!

squeaks n giggles,
