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my mouse

21 15:11:24

hi im shauna i have 2 mice but the older one is looking very rough but the younger one is fine they are both albinos i dont think they are fighting but the older one she had loss of fur around her eyes some cuts around her eyes she has got some scabs dead skin in her fur red in her ears and a wet and red nose and keeps sneezing please i need help im really scared because i love her is their anything at home i could do to help her and her skin?

Hi Shauna,

It sounds like something is irritating the older girl's skin, and my first guess is mites.  There are of course other possibilities, including lice, allergies, behavioral issues, and so on, but treatment for mites is relatively simple and inexpensive, and since she is scratching around her ears and eyes this is a good first option.

You can purchase either from your local pet shop or online a spray called 8-in-1 mite spray, and the avian version is the most gentle and effective.  The rodent version is also very effective but a little stronger, so I prefer starting with the bird one.  Be sure to shake the bottle before applying it, keep the medicine in the fur and out of her eyes, and to treat both of them with at least two appropriately spaced applications (I believe it's two weeks apart, but the bottle will specify in the instructions).  Even though she is scratching her eyes and ears most, you do NOT need to apply the spray to her face - a good way to do it is to spray some in a gloved hand and work it into the coat of the body.  Let them dry off totally before putting them back in their cage so they don't get chilled.  It's also very important to clean the entire cage at the same time as each treatment to prevent mites from hopping right back on - throw out old bedding and any absorbent or wooden toys, then clean the cage top to bottom with warm, soapy water.  You can freeze new bedding for 24 hours, then thaw it before using it, to kill any potential incoming mites.

If mites are the problem, you should start to see an improvement in the scabs and fur within the first several days.  If a week has gone by and she is getting worse, please write me back and we'll consider some of the other options that might be making her so itchy.

The sneezing is its own issue, and can be a sign of something called an upper respiratory infection, or URI.  No one disease causes URIs, so if it is possible to get her to a vet that would be best for her.  That way, a vet can determine what is causing her sneezing and address it with the best antibiotic quickly and effectively.

If that's not possible, however, you can try giving her tetracycline - an over the counter general antibiotic that you can find in the fish section of your pet store.  It's given in the water to both mice, and the bottle needs to be covered, as tetracycline is light-sensitive.  Natasha has some excellent instructions on how to give tetracycline here:

Please let me know if I can clarify anything or if you have any other questions!  I know there's a lot going on with her, but as soon as she can get on some antibiotics and her first round of mite treatments she should start feeling much better.  Best of luck!
