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baby mice stuck to glue trap

21 15:06:43

I found two baby mice stuck to a glue trap at the same time.  I was able to free them with liquid dish soap because i didnt even think of using cooking oil  DUH!!! It was in my classroom by the way.  one was bleeding from nose but he doesnt to seem to be bleeding now  they are shaking and refusing formula I tried to dip a soft make up brush in formula mixed with water.  they still seem shaky it has been about one full day  I am bringing them home because I dont know what else to do!!! any advice

thank you

Hi Stefi,

Do you have any guesses at their age? Are their eyes open, can they walk, how thick is their fur?  If their eyes are open, you can try offering stale bread soaked in water to hydrate them until they will take formula.  If they are still extremely young, your best bet may be contacting a vet, wildlife rehabilitator who works with rodents, animal rescue that works with rodents, or even calling pet shops and breeders to see if anyone in your area has experience with orphaned mice.

The most important thing right now is to get them warm and eating something.  If you have a heating pad, place it beneath their enclosure on the lowest "warm" setting.  You should be able to feel a difference in the bottom of the enclosure with the back of your hand, but it should not be hot at all.  Make sure they are always dried off after feeding attempts as baby mice can chill very easily.

Have they eliminated waste on their own yet?  Older pups may be able to go on their own, but young babies need help to eliminate before they will eat anything.  Use a cotton ball moistened with warm water to gently pat at their genitals and anus like a momma would while grooming. They should pee before almost every meal and poop regularly, though probably not every time.  Remember to promptly dry them off again.  This stimulation will kick start their appetites and they should be more open to feeding.  Try different positions and ways of presenting the formula until you find something they will take, and if they refuse, try again in 30-60 minutes, beginning with pottying.  After each meal or attempt, place them back in the gently warmed enclosure and lightly stroke their sides from shoulder to hips several times with barely any pressure at all.  This is kind of like a post meal grooming and can help move the digestive system and aid with gas or loose stools that can result in a sudden switch to kitten or puppy milk replacement.

A young pup who is full will fall asleep at this point, one that is still hungry or gassy will fuss and squirm around. An older pup might want to run around regardless. Either way, you will want to weigh them multiple times a day.  A healthy pup will continuously gain weight - losing weight is an emergency requiring veterinary aid.

If you suspect they may actually be small adults and not babies, please let me know so I can give you more tailored advice.

Has any bleeding or signs of injury presented since you wrote me?
