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mouse sleeping alone after shock

21 15:31:59

i have 4 female fancy mice. i had originally purchased a wire cage for them. one of them who we named houdini because she kept finding ways out. i lined the wire cage with pet mesh but she still got out. we had given up hope of finding her again only to have her show up in the cage of all places a few days later. today she got out again and i caught her, it was a very stressful situation for her, she jumped from my hands once i got hold of her, i managed to catch her and either scared or hurt her because she squeaked. so fearing another jailbreak i purchased a solid plastic cage, when i put the 4 sisters in they were very active, exploring their new enviornment and playing in the new running wheel, but houdini sleeps alone in the wheel wile the other 3 sleep on the second level on top of eachother in a tube. im concerned about houdini, as far as i could tell she slept with the other mice before all this.

Dear Brian,

Being out of the cage even for a short time can terrify a mouse and alter its personality.  She may never be the mouse she was before.  There is no predicting what will happen.  Keep them in the cage together, make sure there is only one nice place to nest (give them something soft in a little house or box), and even take the wheel out for one night to see if you can get her to sleep with the others.  

Those wire cages are generally for hamsters, and mice are very good at getting out.

I hope it turns out well.

