Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > swelling not getting better

swelling not getting better

21 15:38:01

Hey Natasha sorry to bug you again but i tried the antibiotics you sugested and i am not sure if its helping or not.she has been on the for three days but i just cant is a darkish hard bubble that is on the outside of her skin but it doesnt look like its pussing just looks like a large scab that is swelling her cheek i cant tell if its gettin bigger or not or if the swelling is goin down. Also it kinds of looks like she might have scratched her eyeball out i dont really kno if that is possible but thats what it looks like i just dont know what to do. I dont want her to die i just cant afford the vet bill :(

Dear Kristina,

I'm so sorry about your poor little mouse.  I understand the vet problem.  Continue the antibiotic in case it is helping.  Her eye may have been pushed out buy the swelling and if so she could have scratched it out.  

If it's not an infection, it's probably a tumor.  There's nothing you can really do about that.  Even an operation is often unsuccessful, and they get tumors again right away.  

Try to make her as comfortable as possible.  Make sure she has easy access to her food and water.  You can give her treats-- when you're sick you want to be spoiled!  Buttered popcorn is like a slice of mouse heaven.  A smidgen of commercial (i.e., Skippy) peanut butter is great too.  

If she loves to be held, hold her a lot.  She can sit in your sleeve while you do other things.  Love is an important part of well-being even for mice.  

I wish her my very best.

