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Mouse and 8-1 mite spray

21 15:08:00

I just put this spray on my mouse. He is now in alot of pain. He is crying and twitching. Is there anything I can do? IS he going to die?

Hi Haley,

I don't know how you used the spray or which kind, so I do not know how he will do.  If you have an emergency vet in your area please call them immediately.

8-in-1 makes several different kinds of mite spray.  The avian and rodent versions are acceptable mite treatments, with the bird/avian version being the gentlest.  The directions say to shake first and then apply from a distance, but the chemical is very harsh (especially on open wounds from scratching) and I find it better to wear latex or nitrile gloves and apply the spray to one hand and pet the mouse to dampen the entire coat EXCEPT the face.  Mite spray should never be applied near the eyes.  Is it possible it could have gotten in his eyes while spraying?  This would cause immense discomfort and irritation.

Using a small wash cloth wet with plain water, rub his coat down to dilute the medication.  If you think you got some on his face that may be hurting him more, wipe that area first to keep from carrying medication from body to face.  Dry him thoroughly and quickly and keep him warm.

How is he doing now?  Is he still acting as though he is in a lot of pain?
