Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Open Wound on Mouse

Open Wound on Mouse

21 15:08:00

Poor Mouse
Poor Mouse  
I have an older male mouse, I bought him from a pet store a little over two years ago, and I know the pet store had him for a while when I bought him. He has always been in near perfect health, and when I went to take him out of his cage today I noticed two open wounds on his back and I haven't got the slightest idea where they came from. I've been looking for some information online, and I have no idea what it could be, what to do, or if I should be afraid to handle him in case he has something that could potentially be passed on to me. For now I have pulled him out of his cage until I can give it a very thorough cleaning tomorrow and put him in a small carrier container so I could monitor him a bit during the night. He is eating/drinking fine and there's no signs of lethargy he's very alert/playful. All I have done so far (since it is quite late at night) is put a bit of alcohol on a paper towel and dab the wound to try and disinfect it, the wound was not bleeding when I found him. I've included a picture so if you can just give me your best guess about what it might be, what the severity is, and what course of action I should take tomorrow/in the next days. As a side note, His fur is/has been thinning but I assumed (and experienced with other mice) that this usually happens when they get older so I really didn't think much of it.

Dear Michelle,

I have no idea how this could have happened. I can't even imagine him somehow scratching up there. But I am sure he can't give it to you. The only skin illness that humans and animals-- including all furry house pets-- can share is ringworm. This is not ringworm.

If you can't bring him to the vet, put a little Neosporin on it and see what happens. Watch carefully for any changes. Redness, swelling, apparent pain, or odor, are all signs of infection, which should be addressed immediately.

Best of luck to him,

