Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > found baby rat or mouse

found baby rat or mouse

21 15:31:42

HI Natasha!
i found a baby rat or mouse in my kitchen yesterday and dont know what to do with it. It was eating yesterday cheese and grapes,  but now its not moving at all , if you touch it it flops over...:(. I don't know how old it is , it has fur and his or her eyes are not fully opened. What can i do? I don't want it to die. I tried letting it go in the wild and it just stays there. Please help.

thanks Crissy

Dear Crissy,

Well it doesn't sound like the little guy is in very good health, so please don't blame yourself if he doesn't make it.  The important thing is to nurse him with kitten milk replacement.  Use a small eyedropper.  If he doesn't eliminate on his own, rub his abdomen with a Q-tip. Keep him very warm-- a hot water bottle or heating pad is helpful.  He won't be ready to be on his own until about 2 weeks after he opens his eyes. He might make a good pet if he becomes tame from handling.  

Best of luck and health to the little guy!

