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oily fur on baby mouse

21 15:09:13

Hi Tamarah,
I have a "fuzzy" a baby mouse with fur. I got it from the reptile store as a feeder mouse, but I thought it would be a fun to have one ... it just opened it's eyes yesterday. It had a fuzzy coat when I got it but now it is oily LOOKING... it feels like normal fur. Do you know why it looks greasy/oily? I have read about it a little but nothing seems to answer my question.


Hi Lily,

Fuzzies are still babies, and normally momma would help groom their coats, but since he is alone his fur might get a little gunky until he can groom himself.  He should be able to do so pretty soon, so don't worry about taking over the task or anything.

Fur condition is also an indicator of diet and health.  What was he eating at the store?  A switch in diet, one without enough moisture or without proper nutrients, or even illness can all cause a messy appearance.  At this age he should be on a diet of kitten milk replacement, supplemented with a mouse mix for him to start exploring.  He cannot go off the milk until he can use a water bottle.  Every store classes fuzzies differently, too, so when I say at this age, I mean about 7-14 days - a mouse with a full coat who hasn't started hopping or exploring avidly yet, which sounds about right to me if the little guy just opened his peepers!

Congratulations on your new pet, and let me know if I can help with anything else!
