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Taming mouse

21 15:38:48

I have a 5 mice right now-4 of which are tame as can be, but one is
completely wild. If I try to pick her up she tries to bite and run away. Do you
have any ideas?

Dear Helen,

Here are a few ideas:

Take time once a day when you can put the other 4 someplace safe (a box with toys, for instance) so you can interact with her alone.  Like you would tame any mouse, put your hand in the cage and keep it there so she can sniff it.  Maybe she will walk partly on it.  Put a little snack (such as processed peanut butter-- not the healthy kind-- or aromatic cheese) next to your hand or just on the tip of your fingers.  When she comes over, don't move.  Let her do her thing.  Later put it a little more on your hand, until she eventually has to come partway onto your hand to get it.  When she does this, don't startle her but just very gently start to close your hand a little bit.  You won't get  her but she will feel that you are gentle, and though she will run away, if you remain patient she will come back.  You get the idea.  The goal might be to have her get on your hand and let you pick her up or maybe just for her to be less scared of your hand.

Concurrently with the above (at a different time), you can put on thin leather or cloth gloves and gently corner her with both hands.  Take ahold of her tail by her butt and lift her up gently, immediately placing your other palm under her.  It won't hurt you when she tries to bite.  If you can slowly let go of her tail and she doesn't jump, you're on your way to getting to know her.  If she is too jumpy, wrap her up in the front tail of your Tshirt and gently hold onto her.  She will be getting to know your smell.  When she stops struuggling you can lessen your grip and slowly let her out.  Always be ready to grab her tail or wrap her up again if she wants to jump.

You can also pick her up at the same time as some of the other mice and wrap them all up in your shirttail.  She will feel safer being with her friends.

And when you pass the cage and she is out, always offer her a treat, which you can gently set down where she was standing before you opened the lid.  Don't bug her; let her find it and eat it if she wants to.  She will come to associate you with nice things without feeling pushed.

I hope you can run with these ideas.  Good luck with her!

squeaks n giggles,
