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keeping my wild babie mice!

21 15:31:33

Thank you for your wonderful site!!! I've read most of your postings..hopefully I'm asking questions left open. Mainly after raising my babies 1 boy and 1 girl (not sure but the boy has a shaft sticking out exactly below his anus and the girls genitalia does not stick out as far although it is right at her anus as well what is your thoughts?)from 3 days old to now 17 days old, I'm attached. I intended to rescue and release...but now I can't do it unless I know it is better for them.  They get excited when I speak and jump up my fingers when I put them in their cage :). I would die if I let them go just to die. Yet, I do not want to be selfish and keep them if setting them free is best.  Your Opinion?? Also if I keep them, since they are opposite sex...they will be caged seperately and each will be alone...although I will love them.  Good or bad?? Is there any cages that offer partitions so you can keep them together in one cage? What are some of the best cage accessorie/toys you have used to entertain your mice?  Do you think a cage 15L x15H x8W is ample room for 1 mouse?  Last, but not least, since they are close to 3 wk I want to feed them more than the formula every 4 hours day/night, how do you know when they are ready? I tried rice and carrot shavings but other than pick them up in their mouth they just layed there. Since they are wild I know their food requirements are different than tame...what veggies are best, oats like oatmeal? (cooked or not), and lab blocks or other store feed (since some say wild mice need more protein while tame need less than 13%). Just want to insure that if I do everything I can to ensure they have a happy, healthy life :b.  With your help I know they will.

Dear Sabra,

Because mouse baby genitalia all look a lot alike, here is a link that will help you make sure what sex babies you have:

If you are lucky you have two girls, since they can live together.  Yes, I think you should keep them.  When it comes to hand-raised pups, for me it comes down to their personalities:  As long as they don't spend a lot of their time trying to get out of the cage, and they seem happy, it's far kinder to keep them because they are not equipped for the outdoors.  

You may be able to find partition cages on the Internet. I know they exist.  Another option is to get a large cage such as a 3- or 4- story one and convert it into two.  Or, build a Habitrail-type structure with screening between two houses.

The cage size you describe is about minimum for a happy mouse.  As long as there is a wheel in it it's ok.  My mice like toilet paper rolls best of all possible toys.  I like to give them a few.  Anything to climb on or in.  There are structures you can build with interlocking puzzle pieces which are fun to change.  

I'd bet the mice would like something solid soon. After all, they are weanable at 3 weeks.  Probably the easiest thing to start with is crackers. Then I would recommend a mouse and rat seed mix.  You can also give them nibbleable veggies. Uncooked food is better than cooked, but baked goods are fine. Seeds are very full of protein, so you can add different seeds as well-- sesame seeds, alfalfa seeds, and flax seeds are all good sources of protein.

It sounds like your wild babies have a great mom. Have tons of fun with them!

squeaks n giggles,
