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Wild mouse attack?

21 15:18:04

Hi I found 3 house mice in my backyard washed out of a drain pipe by heavy rain I decided to raise them. Sadly 2 died but I have one still going. He's about a month and a half and tonight he got out. He was behind my bed I was looking for something to help me catch him when a feral house mouse came in. I didn't see much except for my mouse (roadie) jumping and running closely followed by the intruder. Behind the furniture I heard scuffling and squeaking now I have roadie back in his cage the intruder is still in here somewhere but I would like to know if roadie will be ok and if he was Attacked by the intruder mouse?

Hi Connie,

I'm glad you got him back in his cage!  Blow on his fur to see if you can find any spots where the fur is missing, scabbed, or any other evident bite marks.  Mice squeak when they are scared, too, so he might not have been injured, but if he was you should try and find out where so you can clean them.  You can apply a small amount of triple antibiotic ointment (like Neosporin) to any spots you see, but make sure you only use a tiny amount, as he'll probably lick most of it off anyways.

He should be fine as long as he has no big, obvious injuries - just keep an eye on him for the next few days and make sure he doesn't slow down or start acting odd.  If he does, write me right back and we'll figure out what to do about it!

Best of luck!