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Separating litters?

21 15:33:23

my mouse gave birth to nine babie's two weeks ago and i didnt take the male out quick enough. Her belly is big again and it looks like she is going to have more babie's in about one week time. Will this be too much for her, will she be able to cope? I know you have to leave the babie's with their mother for five weeks but i had an idea to kind of hand raise them when the new ones get here. The others will want to explore, start to eat solid food etc... but this could be a bad idea, im not too sure. Any advice?

Dear Vicki,

Mom mouse will take care of the situation.  The other babies should stop nursing around the time the new ones are born.  They will all live happily in the same nest.  Mice are used to popping out scads of babies every three weeks.

You can give away the older babies at 3 1/2 weeks.  Then they will be completely weaned.

Have fun!

squeaks n giggles,
