Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > white mouse lost hair and skin on back

white mouse lost hair and skin on back

21 15:39:18

hi, we had two pet mice, the one had what looked like to us bite marks had little spots of raw skin on back, so we seperated them, it looked like it was healing turned to black spots, thought scabbed over, but noticed the other day felt like smothing hard sticking out of his back, real small and hard to feel, this morning the whole area above the tail is raw looking, hair and skin fell of in one piece, it was in the cage, what is this????

It may be a result of fighting especially if they are two males. It also could be an infection most likely as a result of fighting. The something sticking out of his back could be a broken bone if the fighting has been vicious. Males are more likely to fight if they don't have enough territory, food or hiding places.

Evening Primrose oil is very good for skin problems and can be used on very sensitive skin. Mice will also enjoy licking it off. It usually comes it capsule form and is commonly taken as a supplement.

I would take your mouse to the vet asap. Excessive hair loss is usually a bad sign.

I hope he recovers soon. Please feel free to ask any more questions.