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Science Experiment with mice

21 15:32:35

What are safe science experiments for mice?

Dear Megan,

Well, first of all it must not hurt or scare the mice.  If you feed them different things, for example, both must be healthy.  

Probably the most interesting things are testing how well a mouse learns something.  The age-old experiment with a mouse in a maze has an interesting twist:  What I think most researchers have no idea is that mice have scent glands on their feet so they can follow where they have been before.  Thus all these scientists who thought they were teaching mice to run a maze faster and faster were actually partly just seeing the mouse follow its own stronger and stronger scent.  The interesting thing to do would be to teach a mouse to run a maze and then wash it thoroughly and see if the mouse does it as quickly. I've always wondered about this.

If you are going to teach a mouse with treats, you should give the mouse a small ration of boring pellets in the cage and then give it real treats such as a lick of butter or commercial peanut butter, bit of a salted corn chip or sunflower seed.  

I also found your question answered on the Internet:

Have fun and enjoy the quick, smart little mice!

squeaks n giggles,
