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Mouse scratching her ear!

21 15:32:49

Hi Natasha,
I used to own two mice, until one suddenly died today in the evening. When I was cleaning the cage I noticed the other one was bleeding from her ear. She seems to keep scratching at it all the time and seems nervous running around the whole time. I would like to know what is wrong with her and what I can do. I am a college student and have a very limited budget...
The bedding hasn't changed, they've used the same for months, it's carefresh.

Thank you so much!

Dear Jessica,

Of course the vet is always better than internet advice, but I understand only too well the predicament you are in.

It is very common for a mouse who suddenly lives alone to develop a case of mites.  Mites are pretty much always present, but when the mouse is happy and has a friend to groom her, it doesn't become a problem.  I am guessing your mouse has mites and is scratching her ear till it bleeds.

The following post describes how to deal with mites:

Treat her before you get her a new friend, which you should do asap unless you don't want any more mice.  Mice get very lonely alone, and can get sick easily

While you're at it, think very carefully whether something changed that she could be allergic to:  Different soap used to wash her toys, air freshener in the room, different food, etc.

Best of luck and health to your little buddy!

