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very sick mouse cant get to vet

21 15:33:00

my little mouse is sick. Shes only about a year old.
The past few days ive noticed her not moving much, eating or drinking. So then the next sign was her coat. it was kinda of more fluffy but separating and her stomach looks a lot smaller. Thats probably from not eating though. So the main problem is her noises. ive been reading other peoples comments and info but i thought id try here,

So heres thequestion. What do i do with a mouse whos not willing to go get food or water, whos making noises like clicks, and shes opening and closing her mouth. Other than take her to a vet, which i cant afford, im looking if i can help her somehow.

What ive done so far. bought her new bedding the care fresh kinda, separated her from the other, and got something for her to drink instead of water from the pet store. i also took her there, and they said it might be an upper respitory problem.

Dear Gina,

That's so sad. I'm afraid she sounds very very unwell.  The only professional advice I can give you is to take her to a vet.  I'm afraid I don't have a panacea for such a sick mouse.

However, I know what it's like not to be able to take a mouse to the vet.  What I would do is the following:  

For her apparent respiratory infection I would treat her with Tetracycline. Though no substitute for an experienced vet with an array of modern medicine at their fingertips, this remedy works in most cases:

To feed her I would use an eyedropper and KMR (kitten milk replacement) and baby food.  If she won't swallow, you can't force her to, but she may be very grateful to you for making it easy for her.

I wish her the very best of luck and health.  

