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Gluten in Mouse food

21 15:07:57

Is there a gluten free diet I can feed to my pet mice? I have Celiac Disease and I would prefer to find a mix that is gluten free for them so that I do not keep getting sick from caring for them.. I am willing to go through the research to find a good homemade mix for them, but I am afraid that I will not get their proportions correct and I would rather put myself at risk for intestinal cancer than to risk my poor little meeces. Any help that you could give me to better help my girls would be greatly appreciated. There is absolutely no information to be found by searching Google for gluten free mouse diet.. so you may be helping countless other Celiacs by answering this question.. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Hi Kiley,

That is a great question!  I don't know of any commercial mouse food diets that are free from gluten or even made in factories that might be.  Unfortunately, they are all also quite dusty which can lead to it being stirred up as you feed them and change their cage.  If you fed commercial, I would recommend a pellet and seed mix, as the pellets crumble less than blocks, and obviously, half of the mix is composed of seeds that are not hazardous.

It is possible to make your own mouse food, but including all of the vitamins and minerals in a quality diet on your own can be very challenging.  You can find many excellent discussions on the matter in the "feeding" section of the Fancy Mice Breeders website.  Here is one really great example going into depth on mixing your own mouse foods:

This is the link to the general feeding section, including an awesome thread up top about "food mice like" that covers things which are great for mice, and foods which can be poisonous or dangerous:

It looks like oats may make a better base than wheat anyways, but I am not knowledgeable enough on Celiac disease to say if that helps or not!

If there is anything else I can help with please let me know.  Good luck!
