Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mouses eye red

mouses eye red

21 15:19:31

Hi Natasha, I am in desperate need of your help. I've had my babies Mia and Minnie for about 2 months and they're great I love them. Mia is the outgoing one, she lets you get her and every time i go to the cage she'll come to the cage door and she's just so energetic. Minnie on other other hand is really really shy and she spooks easily, I have a hard time with her cause she just goes in her little tube thing and won't come out but anyway. .the reason I'm writing to you is because about a week ago I noticed that around Minnie's eyes it was red. And its not IN her eyes and nothing is dripping or is crusty or anything like that its just that around her eyes its red and it almost seems a little swollen. I'm worried about her =( I was wondering if maybe you knew what was going on with her and maybe tell me about things I can do for her to make that go away. I hope she's not in pain.

Well I hope you can help my baby
we would really appreciate it.
Thanks so much!

Dear Lesley,

Minnie should go to the vet. There are a number of possibilities, and I can't diagnose her. She might need antibiotics and she might need an eye cream of some kind.

To be able to take her out of the cage more easily, take out any long tubes and put in some toilet paper tubes. You will easily be able to shoo her into a tube and then you can pick up the tube by putting one hand on each end so she can't get out. Then if she won't walk out onto your hand, set the tube down on the bed (assuming she isn't a runner). She will probably eventually come out on her own. If she still doesn't come out and you have small hands, you can probably reach around her body in the tube and pull her out, but you have to be very, very careful not to squeeze her.

best of luck to Minnie,

