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Male baby mouse chasing others

21 15:10:39

The 3 boys
The 3 boys  
Hey Natasha (:

I have 5 baby mice, and they're 3 weeks old today (3rd). They're eating solid foods and drinking water - have been since about 2/2.5 weeks old. I've noticed that one of the boys is chasing the others around. I have 3 boys and 2 girls. The boy that's chasing mice around chased a girl to start with but then i separated them, then he was chasing around a boy just now, and i can hear some mouse squeaking noises coming from the cage. He still drinks mums milk though. So i don't know if i should separate him from the cage or not yet..

Thanks (:

Hi Claire,

Unless you actually see blood, chasing is OK. Although theoretically they could leave their mom today, it is better if they can stay another week. But at 4 1/2 weeks a precocious mouse can breed, so make sure you separate them in a timely fashion.

Have fun with the little tykes!

Squeaks n giggles,
