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Inroducing new mouse

21 15:20:27

Hello Natasha, another question for you!

I have had a pair of female mice now for around a year.  I have always thought of introducing a third mouse but have been worried my existing mice my not be happy with it.

would it be best to get a young mouse (say 6 week old) or would it be better to get hold of an older orphan mouse?

Also, Im guessing i need to upgrade my cage. I have a Micky max cage at the moment. Would it be better to introduce a new mouse in the existing cage, to lessen the degree of change for the existing pair?

Thanks agian, Chris

Dear Chris,

I always recommend 3 or more mice to a cage, so I definitely approve.  You should have three mice because when one dies, the others will have each other, and you will have time to replace the third mouse.  

A younger mouse is best.  I would recommend changing the cage at the same time as you introduce the mouse. It's the new mouse who is going to be scared; the others should be fine. The best way to introduce them is to put a tiny dab of *REAL* vanilla essence on their chins and butts before you put them together in a neutral cage.  Expect a bunch of chasing and squeaking; everything is fine unless there is blood. The squeaking is not pain or even usually  fear; it's communication. They are just trying to decide who the Top Mouse is. The baby will of course come in last.  The bigger mice may chase the baby into a corner where it rears up  on its hind legs facing them and squeaks. It is saying "Don't hurt me, I'm only a baby" as it offers its most vulnerable parts.  The mice will respect this and not attack.  

If there is blood or somebody is depressed or has no access to food or nest, there is a problem.  If that happens, write back or research my archives.

Have fun with the new mouse : ))

squeaks n giggles,
