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Mice and teddy bear hamster mom

21 15:24:20


Mice and hamster
Hi, we found baby mice in our garage after our dog killed the mom.  They are about 2/3 days old. I was so shocked and didn't know what to do with them, but couldn't just abandon them. My teddy bear hamster gave birth to her litter two weeks ago and I 'snuck' the baby mice in with her babies. The baby mice did start feeding from her and I hope they all survive.  The only concern I have (and I didn't think of this before) is that the baby mice might have had diseases. Aren't they too small to have diseases?  Could the have infected my baby hamsters? I was just so concerned about these babes that I didn't know what else to do.  I am planning to sell my hamster to a pet shop in about two weeks.  Do you think I did the wrong thing?

Dear Karin,

The main scary thing that mice can carry these days (and it's very rare) is hantavirus, which is not transmitted to babies through their mothers.   Thus at that age they wouldn't be contaminated, so your hamster should be fine.  And with no fur, the chance of parasites is also negligible.

It's so cute that the hamster nursed the baby mice!  

squeaks n giggles,
