Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Crooked Tails

Crooked Tails

21 15:20:14

I've noticed in many of my mice (8) that they have very crooked tails! Almost like they have arthritis or I just wanted to know if it is harmful or just some generic trait that some of them have gotten!
Thank you so much!

Hi Kacee,

Sometimes this is indeed a genetic trait they inherit from their parents.  In that case, it doesn't feel any different to them - it just looks funny!  However, keep an eye out for any injuries to the tails, such as bite marks, swelling, or discoloration, in case they are catching their tails in something within the cage or even nipping at each other.  Sometimes this can cause crooked tails as well.

No problem!  :)