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news about baby mouse

21 15:16:46

Hi Natasha. It's JJ again. I couldnt find the follow up button so im just asking another question. Today at 6:00 My little bay mouse Desperaux passed away. He had been perfectly normal at his feeding time 2 hrs ago other than a few lines appearing on his stomach, he was happily drinking the formula and he was about 12 days old, almost ready to open his eyes. I went to feed him and found him cold, twitching and opening/closing his mouth. I tried to feed him some formula but he coughed back up. He died after about half an hour of twitching in my hands. I thought he was gonna make it to his open eyes stage. How is it fair that life could take away something so little. I tried my best and now hes gone forever.

Dear JJ,

Thanks so much for the update. The feedback I am getting is that when mouse orphans die, they often do it suddenly after seeming healthy. It is just very, very hard to replace a mouse mommy, even besides the shock the infant has sustained and the time without milk.

The twitching is normal when they die.

I'm sorry about little Despereaux. I know you tried hard.

