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Wild mice and fancy rats plus winter release question

21 15:19:09

Hi Natasha,

We've been having mouse problems in our apartment ever since it starting getting cold. First there was a mouse that fell down into the wall and was stuck. We freed him by cutting a hole in the dry wall and then release him in the park across the highway. Then we had a mouse living in our ceiling (perhaps our previous friend) for a couple of weeks, but when he decide to partake of our garbage under the sink, I though it might be time to catch him. It looks to be a deer mouse.

Now the ground is covered in snow and it's quite cold out. I've read your advice about releasing mice in the winter and it looks like I may have a guest till spring. I don't mind, I love all rodents, and I have pet rats myself. I am concern that mousy might give something to the rats, is there anything I should worry about?

I know you get ask about the hantavirus all the time and I wasn't concern until I found out there was a case where I live in 2006 where a teen died. That being said should I not take the risk and release him as soon as it's over 0 c (32 f), which it should do this weekend. Though, I guess if I'm going to catch it, it would be too late now since I vacuum up his dropping from under the sink (not knowing the proper procedure.)

If I do wait till spring, will he still know how to be a wild mousy?


Dear Kim,

How wonderful that you would cut open the wall to rescue a mouse!    

You very likely caught the same mouse. Mice can have a territory of up to a mile, so it may have already had the habit of crossing that street to visit its relatives or forage for food.

I would worry about parasites that could spread from one rodent to the next. I admit I'm not completely positive they get the same mites, but I would be careful. You won't probably be handling the mouse much, but if you do, handle the rats first and be sure to wash your hands between rodents. Be careful cleaning the cage, to make sure the bedding, etc., has no contact with anything that has contact with the rats.

As for the Hantavirus, don't worry about the time you already cleaned up after it, since if it were that easy to get Hantavirus a lot more people would have it. Be careful from now on, trying not to breathe in dried droppings or to touch your face with your dirty hands after cleaning the cage. I have seen in one or two sources but not in most, that a bite can transmit the disease. Probably it's never happened but they want to be safe (complete speculation there). In any case you will be trying to avoid being bitten as it is. You may also be able to get the mouse tested for the virus by your vet, to ease your mind. And if you come down with a fast, severe flu, tell your doctor right away that you were exposed.

Yes the mouse will remember how to be wild. It will also remember how to get into your house, so take it over a mile away this time!

Thanks again for caring about such a maligned beastie,

squeaks n giggles,
