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21 15:24:11

Hi, my name is Whitman and I go to a magnet middle school in Virginia. I have project called an SRP (Science Research Project) about mice. I have a few questions and it would mean a lot to me if you take your time to answer them.

If mice eat irregular times, will it effect thier wieght?

If food is always provided to a mouse will it wiegh more or less than a mouse fed at normal times?

Does exercise for mice majorly effect thier wieght?

Thank you so much for reading this email. Please respond whenever you have time to.  respond whenever you have time to.

Hello there. :) Thanks for the question. Mice do not have scheduled eating times unless their owners only feed them a small amount lets say, twice a day. Most mice are free fed, meaning their bowl is filled and they sample what they want from it throughout the day. Even if they were only fed twice a day they would most likely consume the same amount. As far as exercise, I'm sure a mouse fed a healthy diet and provided an exercise wheel or other interactive toys that encourage exercise wouldn't be as fat as a mouse fed unhealthy, high fat foods with no wheel. It also depends on what the mice are fed. If they are fed high fat foods such as a lot of nuts, they most likely will weigh more than your average mouse who has a well balanced diet.

Hope the mice are being well cared for and have homes lined up when they are no longer needed. :)