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Rehoming 270 lethal yellow diabetic mice with instructions for their care

21 15:11:52

I read your posts about "waltzing mice".  Pigeons have the same problem, they call them "tumbler pigeons".  Unfortunately, people continue to breed *them*, too for that trait.

However, my mouse questions are about diabetes.  I've been breeding mice for my snakes, but recently decided that I just can't live with the constant heart ache of killing 100 mice p/month.  I have a 9 ft python & 4, 4-ft cornsnakes, 3 Cornies & the python are rescues.

So I have 300 mice, about 90% need to be re-homed.  I noticed that a number of the mouse-pups are born & develop a yellow juvenile coat, which frequently grows out to be a silver-ox pattern as adults.  They often keep an amber mid-line, which is beautiful, especially when the mouse grows out to be a "tuxedo mouse.  #A black fox, frequently down to the bow-tie!#

Now for the question.  How can I tell the difference between the recessive yellow & the lethal yellow mouse gene?

Especially with the lethal yellow, if I want to follow their blood sugar levels, & treat them with homeopathic nutrients, how can I do that, w/o knowing the blood sugar values?

More specifically, my family has diabetes.  My father, his brothers, my maternal grandmother & uncle.  Recently an acquaintance died from complications of diabetes & cancer.  I was surprised when they told me that no one knew he had diabetes.  I answered to one friend, surprised, "How can *you* NOT know?  I hardly knew him & *I* knew he had diabetes.  YOU have diabetes, how come YOU DIDN'T?"  The next question was how I knew.  I could tell because he smelled different, just like my maternal uncle, who is diabetic.  It wasn't usual or right, but it wasn't fruity, either.

So, I don't count on being able to tell if my mice have diabetes, without testing them.  I figure if I take an older test kit from my father #when he bought another, his was retired.#

How can I figure out what the blood sugar values of a mouse SHOULD be?  

Are blood sugar values roughly the same for all mammals/animals?

Lethal Yellow mice, are used as the animal model to treat human diabetes & develop human medicines.  Can I use human blood sugar values to treat a mouse?

How do I control blood sugar in an animal whose primary diet is carbohydrate based?  I'd like to remove corn, since most of the corn & soy are GMO based, & soy is both goitergenic & estrogenic.

Studies show that mice fed on GMO grains grow fur inside their mouths.  That sounds like a recipe for on-going thrush problems or worse.  Hamsters don't even have fur inside their mouths, they have a separate fur pouch to store munchies.

I hope this question isn't too much for you to take on, it's really complex, & I'm asking for an answer that touches many facets of the diabetes continuum, but I think that many people don't know that "Lethal yellow" mice exist.  

When I re-home yellow mice I need to be sure that adopting mouse-parents know what they are getting & can feed their new mouse a substantial diet that controls their disease.  I don't want a mouse to live in poor health, until it dies, or have it develop diabetes or something after their new "mouse-mom/mouse-dad" adopts it.

I can't even get Jaxx mice to respond, so I hope you can help me.  I also need anatomical charts for the mouse, so I can learn it's physiology, & so I can do a necropsy & make an educated visual inspection of the organs, for size, growths, visible lesions, etc.  I've had human anatomy lab, so I'm used to lab protocol & safe dissection.

Thanks you,

Dear Kelley,

Lethal yellow mice... I love it! Are they anything like the killer rabbit in Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail?

This isn't my expertise but I have some friends who will help. I will collect their answers and amend this. You will get a message saying I have amended it.

PROMISE ME you will read these answers if I am going to collect them for you please!!!  I have answers coming. Please write back *now* with a promise! My friends are working for you and I am so sick of working hard on a question and then the person doesn't even read it. Please use the "follow up" option to give me a promise.

