Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Baby mice fell out of nest

Baby mice fell out of nest

21 15:11:53

Help, I was about the clean my mouse's cage, I moved her house like I  always do and she cones out, but when I moved it unexpected babies fell out!
They are under her hut.. which is about an inch from her nest/bed.

There are 2 babies sitting ob ground and she hasn't gone to get them... Have I messed up because they fell in my hand when I moved her house?

Will she eat them?

Dear Stephanie,

Quickly, take a teaspoon and warm it up. Scoop up the babies and place them in the nest. If she takes them out again, do the same thing. If you have to touch them with your fingers, rub your fingers in her dirty litter first.

She is certainly stressed, but chances are she won't eat them. She is more likely to abandon them. But in many cases the mother will take babies back after a mishap.

I hope you have solved this before you get this, since it has been 6 hours. Best of luck with her!

