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introducing girl and boy mice

21 15:20:04

Hello Natasha,
                  Its sophie again. the mouse that was pregnant recently died and her partner was really lonely. So i was told to get another mouse witch was a younger female. She is called morgana and i really want her to go in with bubble so i thought i would introduce them for like 30 mins each day. Iv been doing this for 3 days now.but when they're in the tank together Morgana wont leave Bubble alone but then bubble gets really annoyed and suddenly turns round and grooms Morgana with  his teeth. then he starts mating with her (i don't mind this ) but obviously Morgana doesn't as she starts squeaking like mad but still stays still. I really want them to be together because i am going away in a week and it would be a lot easier if they are both in one cage.
                  Sophie :)


Female mice squeak when they mate. Usually there is a lot of chasing, so the fact that she is staying still is a sign that she is ready to mate. grooming is good. The only time you have to worry about mice fighting is if somebody is bleeding, or if somebody is being blocked from getting to the nest or food.

You're going to have babies! Search my past answers for info on pregnancy and babies : ) and send any more questions you may have.

squeaks n giggles,
