Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > swollen jaw/ lump

swollen jaw/ lump

21 15:32:38

my mouse has a swollen jaw.  This summer I noticed a small lump.  I was very worried and did not expect her to live as long as she has.  Recently, it has became quite large.  She seems to be acting normal and has a very good appetite.  Is there anything I can do?

Dear Sean,

A lump is most commonly either a tumor or an abscess (infection).  I can't imagine a mouse surviving this long with an abscess, so I would rule that out.

A visit to the vet would confirm that it is a tumor, which is untreatable.  Even when a mouse is operated on and survives the operation, cancer comes back very quickly.

The point of going to the vet would be that there might be another possible cause-- I don't like to play vet myself and rule that out.  However if it was my mouse I would assume it was a tumor and not take it to the vet, which is just as expensive as for a larger animal.

All you can do for a mouse with a tumor is keep her comfortable with food and drink nearby, and hold her a lot of she likes that.  She may be very happy for a long time this way.  Then she may die on her own, or she may get to a point where you believe her quality of life just isn't worth it to her anymore.  Then you have a very difficult decision of whether to decide to end her life.  A small vet may charge you less to put a mouse to sleep than other animals, because the expense is the poison, and a mouse only needs a half a milliliter.  Doing it yourself is very difficult.

I wish her the best of luck and a happy rest of her life.  If you do decide to go to the vet, let me know what happens.

