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aggressive buck that i cant handle

21 15:09:18

Ok, so. I'm back again. Its about my buck this time; first off I was told never to handle breeding males because it could ruin their libido, so I don't handle him much. I tried to use him to breed my females, and he attacked them! He bit their noses and bit one of thems side. He is aggressive towrd me as is, taking so far that he actually reached out, latched onto my finger with his paws, and bit me when I tried to take him out. You can't touch his cage either without having teeth in your hand ot having holes torn in your shirt. He bites and fights anything you put in his cage. I recentlly gave him a new toy, and he's either really hostile, or terrified of it, because he ran from it, realized he had nowhere to run, folded his ears back, squinted his eyes,turned his body to the side, his tail close by and rapidly rattling, and. Pounced! He and it fought. They rolled over eachother, the toy and him, for about thirty sec. Before he hid in the corner of his cage, ears still folded back, tail held close to him. I took the toy out and he rattled his tail at me before he attcked me too. He's a mean mouse.

Hi Sam,

First, a mouse's libido is a result of several different factors, including genetics (affecting temperament), stresses in his environment, his physical health and weight, etc.  Handling a male won't affect his breedability at all, outside of stressing him out if he is not used to it, so there is really no need to worry about that in the future.

With that being said, some mice breed well, some never get around to doing the deed or show much interest, and some, like yours, can be wildly aggressive toward females.  This does not lead to successful breeding, obviously as you have seen, and can even be passed on if it is the result of genetics.  In short - it is time to retire him from other mice and use a different buck for breeding.

I am not sure what you are capable of doing with him, but it sounds like he is very easily stressed, so perhaps adding a few more hides to make him feel secure in his cage and removing intimidating toys, the smell of other mice nearby, and too much stimulation might help him live a happier life.  If you don't have a good spot in your home, or the patience to work with him on improving his stress levels, you might consider rehoming him to a quiet, mouse-free home with someone who is okay letting him do his own thing most of the time.  It's not benefiting either of you, honestly, to keep trying to socialize him if it is affecting him so very drastically, and I would hate for you to get hurt!

Just remember that this mean behavior, regardless of whether it is genetic or something learned, results from an easy tendency to become stressed.  Some stressed mice react by hiding, and some react by fighting anything and everything.  He is showing you he is extremely unhappy and scared, and while he might not be useful for your breeding purposes, it is still important to be sure you offer him the least stressful environment you can, however that may be easiest for you to accomplish.

I hope I helped out, but please let me know if there's anything else I can offer!