Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mild male mouse with females

mild male mouse with females

21 15:21:24

I just introduced my new doe mouse Aurora to my male Socretes first. They did nothing except act like girlfriends. I have had socretes in cages with many different females before and he has never mated with them. He acts like a female actually. I put him in the cages I have with my mice that have been impregnated by my other male Crito and he literay helps groom and socialize the pups. I keep Crito and Socretes seperate so I don't think it's a dominance problem, I keep Socretes in with my regular does. I have tried on many occasions to have socretes with one female at a time for at least three weeks time, and no pregnancies. Youre probably wondering why am i trying to mate him he is just a mouse. The reason is because he has an amazingly sweet and helpful personality, and Aurora because she has the same personality and they both have beautiful colors! The two just laid there grooming each other for HOURS!!! I placed her with Crito three days ago and once I got home I checked for a plug, I believe I saw one but not completely sure. Since she didn't mate with socretes I placed him back into her cage, a twenty gallow tank. She has a nanny Thumper,
and they seem to get along great with socretes and their is no fighting what so ever. Is it alright that I let socretes with my current does and past does? I have never seen any aggresion with him to any does. So again is this alright?

Dear Rei,

It sounds like you have some awesome mice!  I don't blame you for wanting to breed these two. Because you actually do want babies, there is no harm at all in keeping Socretes with as many girls as you like.  Maybe he'll take an interest later on. He will also obviously be a great dad as well, so, if his girlfriend gets pregnant, and you don't mind a possible second litter, he can stay in the nest and help his gal take care of the kids after they are born.

Although you are sad not to have little Socretes babies, he is in fact a very lucky mouse because most boy mice have to live alone, and as you well know they love to be together.

Have fun with your awesome mice!

squeaks n giggles,
