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Finding a vet for mouse; painkiller.

21 15:08:16

raisin\'s face
raisin's face  

raisin\'s fatness
raisin's fatness  
I got 2 mice 4 weeks ago, both females. One is named raisin and she is Fat with a capital F. She is black and white. And one morning a couple days ago, I checked on them and I found her with a bloody ear and a swollen eye. Both on the right side. She doesn't come out of her hidey-hole when I put my hand in the cage like I used to. I don't think she's pregnet but there might have been a boy mouse in the female mouse cage at the store. I would take her to the vet but I don't know any good vets and I don't have alot of money. Please help! Is she pregnet?

Hello Sophie,

That does not look good. Some vets have a decent office visit fee. Here, use one of these links to find one:

(if that is not a link, copy and paste into your browser address bar)

Her change in behavior is likely to be indicative of pain. Give her a drop of children's ibuprofen or Tylenol every 6 hours and see if her behavior changes.

She can't be pregnant. Mice are only pregnant for three weeks. That is a relief. They often do come pregnant.

Best of luck and a speedy recovery to her.

