Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Young girl mouse is jumpy.

Young girl mouse is jumpy.

21 15:17:31

She is quite small. Seems to be timid.  The question is she seems to be quite jumpy is this normal for a young mouse? She interacts with the rest of the tribe (9 in total) fine.


She is simply adorable! She is an angora and possibly a silky. I want her!!  

Anyway... Mice all have different personalities depending upon both hereditary and environmental factors. Right now she is feels more comfortable with mice than people. That's fine. She is sitting nicely in your hand, so she seems tame enough. You just need to get to know her. See if you can get her to walk on your hand in the cage by offering her tidbits on it (popcorn, soy yogurt). Give her a lot of face time (cuddling against your cheek and getting kisses) and otherwise physical time. Keep her in your sleeve or in your shirt while you do something else. Massage her gently.

She will love you soon! Have fun with the little beauty.

squeaks n giggles,

<:3  )--~