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mice and climate

21 15:23:42

We have inherited 4 pet mice. My husband is uncomfortable having them in the house. For one, he has a very sensitive nose, and the other reason is he is worried they will escape in the house. We are wondering if we can keep them outside. What is the temperature range for pet mice?

Dear Shawn,

Pet mice must be kept in the house.  They have been bred indoors for millions of generations and no longer have the capacity to adapt to extreme temperatures.  They should be kept in a room with no drafts, and no direct sunlight, at between about 65-75 degrees.

Make sure the mice have a sturdy enough cage that they can't escape.  Any lid should fit on tightly and bars should be close enough together that they can't stick their heads out.  When you clean the cage be sure to put them in something quite safe such as a carry case.

As for the smell, female mice shouldn't smell if they are in a clean cage.  You can clean the cage once a week. You can also spot-clean the corners where they urinate the most, whenever it seems offensive.

You may want to try to find new owners for the mice.  

