Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Revolution for mites.

Revolution for mites.

21 15:09:52

  I truly appreciated the guidance you offered "Ray"/ Rachel regarding the treatment of mites on her mouse.  I was desperately seeking help and after a single droplet of Revolution, and of course repeated sanitizing of aquarium an contents, "Squirt", my dear little brownie improved.

My question is with what frequency may I apply Revolution?

Thank you so much for the informative responses!



Dear Pat,

Normally Revolution only needs to be applied once a month- if at all. You can apply it a second time after two weeks if you feel there are still mites. There is no reason to continue treatment unless the mouse is exposed to a regular source of mites or other external parasites. It can just be used as needed.

I'm glad Squirt is better. If she has any more problems, don't hesitate to write.

Squeaks n giggles
