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Mice and Shiny Objects

21 15:20:01

My diamond eternity ring mysteriously disappeared about the same time we
discovered evidence of mice in the house.  I always take it off at night and put
it on my dresser with the rest of the jewelry I am removing.  The next day, all
the jewelry was still there except for this ring.  I have searched the house for
six weeks now and am just sick about it!  Let me add that I am a very
organized and methodical person.  I don't lose things - not even socks in the
wash.  Is it possible that a mouse carried it off to its nest?  My husband and I
have not seen a mouse - just the evidence - but we assume that it is just an
ordinary house or field mouse.  We live in a wooded area in North Carolina.  
There is no nest in the house.  It/they only seem to come in at night.  Thanks
so much for responding and for any help you can  provide.

Hi Susan,

I would be very, very surprised if a mouse was the culprit.  A ring is a big thing for a mouse to carry off, and they know it isn't food or nesting material.  I'm definitely not blaming you at all, but perhaps there's another possibility.  If not, check all over your house very carefully for entrances that could allow in pests to prevent further potential accidents.  Mice are nocturnal, so that would explain why you only notice them at night.

Good luck in finding your ring!