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Male mice in the same cage

21 15:14:16

Hi Natasha,
I decided to get two female mice 3 weeks ago, it turned out that the woman at the pet shop gave me one female and one male mouse. I have put the female with my other female mice, but since the boy was alone I went to go and buy him a male companion (from the same litter). I have heard that male mice fight, or can sometimes get along, but unfortunately it seems that these two brothers can't get along-or rather its the first little boy who keeps attacking the second boy! I have them now in separate cages next to each other, but I'm really worried about them being lonely.

Is there any way for me to keep these two in the same cage without the one killing or seriously hurting the other? I would really appreciate any of your suggestions! Thanks!

Dear Kristal.

Easy answer: Nope. Male mice only sometimes get along if they are litter mates or a father/son pair and they have *never been separated.*

Male mice do have to live alone. However, because they do communicate in little high pitched squeaks, if the cages are close they can chat and not feel lonely.

Squeaks n giggles,
