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Mice with mites

21 15:23:36

I have three mice in one cage, the oldest two being about one year and the youngest being a few months. One of my older mice most likely has mites, but I'm leery of treating her with a spray because all three mice groom each other. My question is, do I need to separate the mice, for either fear of the mites infecting the others, or because the other's grooming of the infected mouse, and therefore consumption of the medicine might be harmful?

Dear Erin,

All three mice must be treated for mites, and their bedding and toys changed, twice: Ten days apart.  This is the only way to really get rid of the mites. Although the other two aren't showing signs right now, they have mites too.  They do groom themselves and each other, but the spray is made for this.  It's not the nicest thing to put on a mouse but it's better than mites, which can eventually actually kill them.  If the infestation is minor, you can choose to use the bird formula of the 8-in-1 flea and tick spray that I use; it's half the strength of the rodent version.  However, if it helps but doesn't solve the problem, you'd need to go to the stronger spray anyway.  I recommend the weaker spray more for little babies and elderly mice.  

Best of luck.  And  make sure you shake well or it will have no effect!

