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rescued field mouse with bot fly

21 15:23:36

we rescued a field mouse from the 24 inches of snow.   

we have him in a old fish tank until the weather improves.    the other day it passed a bot fly parasite.  prior to that it ran around all night long and ate, slept all day.  now it sleeps almost all day and night.   it looks very ill  what should i do.  

Dear Burt,

If you can't take it to the vet, the only thing you can do is keep it warm and make sure it has easy access to food and water.  The right vet would be able to give it a topical parasiticide which might or not help it pull through.  It also could be sick with other things too.  Be sure to wash your hands (both before and) after holding it and especially before touching other animals.

Best of luck to the little thing.

