Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > mother mouse neglects babies after cage cleaning

mother mouse neglects babies after cage cleaning

21 15:32:29

My mouse just had babies, her first litter disappeared and she just had her second litter. I waited 2 weeks before cleaning the cage and this morning I took her out and cleaned the cage. I did not touch the babies, I used a spoon to scoop them up and place them back in. It has only been 30 minutes now, but the mother is on the other side of the cage and wont go over to them, I'm worried that she will neglect them because i cleaned the cage and moved them around. Is this something that I should be worried about??
Thanks for your help!

Dear Megan,

Your mouse seems to get confused easily.  The only thing you can do to help if she isn't in the nest is to keep putting her back in it.  She nurses them every half hour, so it may be ok for her to wait a half hour.

Good luck and have fun with the babies!

