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Trapping mice at my school

21 15:24:34

There is a mouse/or mice at my school, and the principals/vice principal's are trying to kill it/them. I asked if i could use a humane trap for the mouse/mice, they said yes and i was wondering if I should take it out of town or to my house? I am fully prepared to keep it, but i was also wondering if i could get a disease from it/them and if there was a way to check if it has a disease? Should I take the mouse/mice to the vet?

Dear Nina,

Thank you for caring about the mice (I'll assume there is more than one).  Mice which grow up wild are usually pretty unhappy in a cage, so I don't suggest keeping them as pets.  Because mice can travel quite far, they ought to be taken somewhere over 1 1/2 miles from the school to be left in a forest of field.  If you can leave them some mouse food too, that helps.

There's no reason to touch the mouse with bare hands, so you shouldn't worry about disease.  The greater danger is if you stir up an old mouse nest where they had hantavirus, but that's incredibly rare. That is transmitted by breathing in the old feces and urine.  

Perhaps you need a pet mouse?!  

Best of luck!

squeaks n giggles,
