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baby mice covered in peanut butter!

21 15:24:35

We have a deer mouse in our garage.  We've tried to catch her for weeks to release her and she has avoided us.  Today I was cleaning out the garage, and she scrambled out of the tub I was cleaning out (scared me to death).  I kept cleaning the tub, and found that she had left babies behind.  They have fur and their eyes are closed.  I took everything else out except some tissue for them, and placed the humane trap baited with peanut butter in the tub, hoping when she came back for her babies she would get hungry and get caught.  I left it alone for a while, went back out to check, and all of the babies had gone inside the trap and had peanut butter all over them (huge backfire).  Now I'm terrified to leave them out there, because if she does come back I'm worried she will just eat them because they smell different to her.  The only way I have touched them is to get them out from under a lever in the humane trap.  

1.  Will she just clean them up, or do you think she will try to eat them?  
2.  It's been about 6 hours and she hasn't been back.  At what point do I give up on her?  
3.  I'm in the middle of moving, and I REALLY don't need to have baby deer mice on my hands as well as everything else.  If I have to do something to help them, what is the easiest way to handle it?  Is there someone that will take them and actually help them, like a wildlife person or something?

Dear Mida,

Unfortunately, the chances of the mother mouse reclaiming the babies now is very slim.  

To find a  home, try contacting Bucky Goldstein, who runs a mouse ranch of sorts:

Just yesterday I answered a letter from a woman in Philadelphia who wants to adopt babies.  You probably don't live in Philadelphia : ( but the addresses I gave her might prove useful to you as well.  This is the link to that letter:

Until you find them a home, they will need to be cared for rather thoroughly.  One desperate hope is to find a pet store which will place them with a nursing mother.  This is how I answer orphan care questions:

I wish you the very best of luck with your situation.  May the mice survive well.

