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old mouse

21 15:09:16

Hi.Megha this side again.Thax a lot for d answer but i guess i diagnosed him a bit wrong.its not actually swelling but i guess he got diarrohoea  and one thing i am sure of is that his bottom has become a bit enlarged not swelling though.And good news is that he is ok now and eating as well but i am afraid that he has lost a lot of weight n is weak would be great help if u can tell me what his diet should be like to avoid something like this in future.he is becoming old hence want to know how to handle an old mouse.
thank you.

Hi Megha,

That is great, and makes me think perhaps the swelling could have been a result of irritation from the diarrhea.  The most important thing with loose stools is to keep him hydrated - dehydration can lead to weight loss, weakness, and a shrunken, messy appearance.  Diarrhea can also lead to actual weight loss as well if he has an intestinal infection or a parasite, which can deprive him of nutrition.

Old rodents are prone to eating less, so it is important to offer foods that are high in both calories and protein, so what they do eat provides them enough nutrition.  The foundation of a well rounded diet is a mouse mix - either blocks or a seed and pellet mix that is labeled for mice, or for "rats and mice."  Compare the protein content on the back - it usually gives this information as a percentage (minimum protein ___ %, for example).  There's no specific minimum you need to look for, as long as it is labeled for mice just try to find one of the higher protein contents you can.

Then you can supplement with quality treats that are full of extra energy, too, such as scrambled eggs made with water instead of milk, or dry kitten kibble.  Here is a great list of foods that mice like, and also those to avoid:

It's important when offering any dry foods to remember the need for hydration - if he is not inclined to drink from his water bottle, you can try a small piece of stale bread soaked in water.  Just remember to remove any moist treats that don't get eaten so they do not mold.
