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new born foundling mouse!!!!!!!!!!!

21 15:32:48

Dear Natasha,

When I came home from work Friday I was walking up the driveway and saw a little pink thing moving around. I put my bag down and took a closer look at it and it was a baby mouse. And now i don't know what to do, I need some advice on how to care for this mouse. My daughter has a pet rat but he is 5 years old and she is now attached to this orphan mouse how can I care for this mouse.

Hi (Sorry I called you Sara!)

One thing to do is call around to local pet stores to see if they have nursing mothers who might take the mouse pup in.  Let them know if you want the mouse when it is weaned!

However, raising it yourself is possible, if a little labor-intensive.  You will need to give it some replacement formula.  Many people have been successful with a kitten formula, but one source has suggested using infant rehydration formulas such as Pedialyte, Infalyte, or Rehydralyte.  I think the kitten formula (KMR) is probably the best.  

First off, put it in a safe place (until it opens its eyes you can use a box, since it won't be escaping, but later you will want a glass or plastic aquarium with a lid; ) with some soft bedding (kleenex is ok; better shredded cloth;  or (my favorite)  a piece of a winter scarf)-- they need soft and darkness.  You will need a heating pad on low under half of the cage/box, so the pup will stay warm but have a place to go if it gets too warm. A hot water bottle works too.  For the immediate emergency, you can start with a bag of frozen vegetables heated lightly in the microwave.  Don't forget a hole in the bag so it won't explode; don't put it in the cage, due to leakage, but under or next to it. don't burn the mouse!

You will need to feed it with a little syringe.  Every 2-3 hours is a minimum:  The mom feeds them every half hour!  If it won't cooperate at first (though at that age I'm sure it will), hold it by the 'scruff of its neck'-- that is, the loose skin just behind its head.  Give it one drop at a time and wait a few seconds till it swallows before giving another.  Give it as much as it will eat.  You will see the white formula in its tummy when it is full!!  Also you must ever so gently massage its tummy with a Q-tip after feedings to get its digestive systems working (Mom licks them thoroughly and constantly).  

The baby will start to develop fur at about 7 days.  At 14 days it will open its eyes-- so you will  know how old it is.  Although you have been holding it for a long time, after it opens its eyes it might become very jumpy, because it has never had vision before, and is programmed to be terrified of anything from above (you can imagine; predators generally come from above--raptors, felines, canines).  With such strong little legs, it weighs almost nothing and can jump up to two feet high.  This can be called the flea stage, for obvious reasons; I call it the popcorn stage (Have you ever seen popcorn pop in a pan?).

Once it gets to this stage, you may need to catch it to hold it.  Don't chase it around the cage with your hands because that is very frightening.  Use your hands to approach it slowly and then either enfold it in your whole hand or take it by the very base of its tail (by its butt).  Immediately place it on the other hand and you will probably need to keep hold of that tail until it gets calm on you.  I often wrap jumpy pups in my Tshirt bottom for a few minutes so they recognize my smell and it calms them down.

This is also the time to start offering it real mouse food.  Start with crackers, but soon get a bag of mouse and rat food at your pet store.  There are several brands. If they don't have this then get a hamster/gerbil mix.  However it needs to keep being nursed with the formula until it wants to stop or at about 4 weeks.  A week after its eyes open, put a low water bottle in the cage but also leave a tiny dish of water (small so it can't fall in!) until it has figured out the water bottle.  It's also time to get it a little mouse wheel.

At 4 1/2 weeks pups become sexually mature.  At this age boys look like they are developing a big butt but it is actually their testicles. Another way to tell what sex it is is to find nipples at about 9 days.  Only girls have nipples.  Later this will be harder as they will be covered with fur.

Let me know what happens and feel free to ask more questions as it grow.  You can also read some of my back answers for other kinds of advice for older mice.

Best of luck!

squeaks n giggles,


PS Seriously, I would really like to know what happens.  Please email me at or add Natasha Millikan to your Facebook!