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Vitamin E for my mouse

21 15:32:48

I read a post using the contents of a vitamin E capsule
on a mouse who is having itchiness due to mites.

He is being treated by a mouse with antibiotic

I would like to do anything I can to  help him too

Unfortuntly I didnt save it and dont remember
who answered it

So I'm asking you, is that true?
and if so, What do I do with the vitamin E

Thank you very much for any help you can give =)

Dear Francine,

The mouse is also being treated for mites, right?  An antibiotic won't do that.  He must be treated with an anti-mite formula.

When I had a mouse who was actually almost naked due to mites I did rub some vitamin E lotion directly onto her skin every other day.  Vitamin E is good for skin.  It seemed to help the dryness and also she loved it.  She loved the massage, and she loved the taste of the oil (and it's great that she ingested it, too), and she loved the massage that the other mice gave her when they licked the oil off of her.  If the mouse is being treated by a vet, though, the vet's opinion is better than mine.  

Best of luck to the little mouse.

