Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > lonely and sick mouse

lonely and sick mouse

21 15:17:14

QUESTION: Hi natasha..i brought these two sisters of white mice  in pair 4 months ago.Everything was goin fine but lately one of them got ill..she started showing unusual symptoms like not having food, no sleep..any many more..she became so week ..i went to d vet but didnt got any satisfied answer..and though they didnt treat her well she died last night..I really cried for her cs i cudnt find what exactly happened to her.. and now i want to ask that my other mice will go well or not..?? because people say that if one of the mice dies or lost den the other one goes in it so..?? because shes been searching for her sister nw..i can see her feeling all uneasy..what should i do to treat her well.. at first i thought to bring one more new one but then dropped the idea..or is there any society where i can donate her who really will take care of her  so that she can live their happily with the other mice and will not feel alone..i really love her and really wanna do something for her to keep her happy. please suggest me something..really need your help..

And also the mice i have with me now, shes sneezing badly..what should i do to make her fine..?? antibiotic will help..??if yes , then do tell me which one should i give to her to make her well.. hope to see your reply soon..waiting for it eagerly..
I'll be really grateful to you..

ANSWER: Dear Ashima,

Although your mouse is certainly depressed and unhappy about losing her friend, and it is generally important to replace a mouse companion, you mustn't put a sick mouse with other mice. Poor little thing!

I really don't know what antibiotics you can get without a prescription in India. She is certainly quite sick and needs help. I'm not sure about your vet experience-- it sounds like your mouse was very, very sick when you brought her in, and couldn't be saved. Maybe your vet can help with this one, who isn't as far gone. If they are less experienced with mice, you can tell them the best thing to do is to put her on both Amoxicillin, *and* either Doxycycline or Enrofloxacin (Baytril).

The over the counter antibiotic that one can easily get in the US is a form of Tetracycline sold for fish, often called Fish Cycline. It isn't as strong as the ones I recommend, but it often works. I'm worried about how very sick she sounds though. She needs something better if at all possible.

This Tetracycline, which is available in the FISH section of your pet store or aquarium store, either comes in powder, tablet, or capsule form.  If it is a tablet, you will need to crush it into fine powder, which you can do with the back of one spoon against the front of another.  If it is a capsule you will empty the powder out of the capsule.  One capsule is the same as 1/4 flat teaspoon.

Take one capsule and mix it with a drop or two of water until you have a mustardy paste. Grab the mouse by the scruff (back) of the neck to open its mouth, and try to get a bit of the paste in the mouth. The mouse will struggle a lot and this may be impossible. In any case, smear some on the whiskers and sides, where it can easily wash it off and ingest it.

Put another capsule's worth in a large water bottle (10-12 oz), or half that in a small water bottle (4-6 oz), and that should be the only source of water for about 10 days. Shake it up well. Change it every other day. Cover the bottle with tin foil so no light can get in. Tetracycline reacts with light.

Other than that, keep her warm, make sure her food is in easy reach (try giving her some soy yogurt if she is having trouble eating), and if she likes to be held, give her lots of love. I wish I could help you more, but I don't know what is available in India.

I wish her the best of luck.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hey...hi.. thank you so much for replying to my question so early.. im so glad that you replied it so well.. I will really try to give my mice the antibiotics you recommend me.. and hope it will surely help..! and ya, one thing more, please suggest some good and healthy diet for her and which could be easily available in india also. I want to take full care of her.. so please suggest me what food should i give to her ..and from which  food she has danger..?? please help me here.!!
and thanks for all your wishes .. really..:)

Dear Ashima,

I hope the mouse is better very soon.

The best diets are the rodent blocks or mouse seed mixes you should be able to get at a pet store. Hamster mix is ok only if there is no mouse mix. Bird seed is not OK. Most sources don't recommend a home-made mix because there are many vitamins and minerals that they should be getting daily. The seeded mix includes pellets as well, to provide these nutrients.

Mice should never have sugar and should limit fats such as nuts, cheese, butter etc. Don't feed your mouse anything you wouldn't eat-- nothing spoiled or dirty. The reason mice are used in experiments is that the things that make you sick make them sicker.

Best of luck : ))

